At IEEE CBI 2023 we will organise for the second time in the history of the CBI conference a Forum. The CBI Forum is modelled after the CAiSE Forum and provides an opportunity for presenting and discussing promising new research in the area of Business Informatics. The Forum will be held together with the CBI 2023 workshops – on 21 June 2023. Papers accepted to the Forum will be published in the IEEE CBI 2023 Workshop proceedings. Each paper will have 30 minute timeslot with 15 minutes for the presentation and remaining time for questions and discussion.

As this is the second edition of the CBI Forum, there was no separate call for Forum papers. Instead, the CBI 2023 Track Chairs recommended, based on the PC member reviews and their own assessment, papers to be invited to the Forum, selecting these from the papers submitted to the main conference. The final decision on which papers are accepted to the Forum lies with the CBI 2023 General Chair and Workshop Chairs.

With the CBI Forum, the conference provides the authors invited to the Forum with an opportunity to present their work and obtain feedback that allows them to further guide their research efforts. Together with the presenting authors, we will make the Forum an interesting event, not just for the authors themselves, but for all CBI 2023 participants.