• 25th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2023)
  • 21-23 June 2023, Prague, Czechia, https://cbi2023.org/

About the Conference

The IEEE CBI series encourages a broad understanding of Business Informatics research, and intends to further its many different facets, theoretical foundations, and experiential body of knowledge. In doing so, the CBI series has proven to be a fertile ground for research with high impact, and a hub for multidisciplinary research with contributions from Management Science, Organization Science, Economics, Information Systems, Computer Science, and Informatics.

In line with this, the CBI series aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from various fields and backgrounds that contribute to the construction, use and management of IT-based systems and their organizational business context. A dedicated goal of the CBI series of conferences is to bring together researchers from different fields and disciplines to stimulate discussion, synergy and collaboration.

Call for Workshop Proposals

The 25th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2023) invites proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference.

Workshops should allow participants to present and discuss novel research ideas on areas relevant to business informatics. They should focus on an emerging topic of technical interest, a unique area of application, or a community-wide issue that deserves specialized attention.

Organizers are encouraged to focus on mechanisms other than traditional paper presentations and to differentiate themselves clearly from typical conference sessions.

There will be a dedicated IEEE proceedings volume for workshops. Those that would like to have their proceedings included in this volume must guarantee an acceptance rate of at most 50% and have papers complying with the IEEE 2-column template (A4). Template files for MS Word and Latex are available at:


Workshops can also choose to organize their own proceedings. Accepted workshops will be required to organize their own reviewing process and website, as well as co-ordinate the collection and delivery of camera-ready material and copyright transfer.

Important Dates (anywhere on earth)

Workshop proposal submission: 16/02/2023
Notification of acceptance: 20/02/2023
Workshop paper submission: 23/04/2023
Workshop paper notification of acceptance: 10/05/2023
Workshop paper camera-ready submission: 15/05/2023
Workshops and conference: 21-23/06/2023

Submission Instructions

Workshop proposals should provide sufficient information to evaluate the quality and importance of the topic, the goals of the workshop, and the size of the interested community.

Proposals should be at most 4 pages long, in PDF format, and contain the following information:

  • Workshop title
  • Names, affiliations, and emails of the organizers
  • Short bios of the organizers
  • Contact person
  • Tentative program committee
  • Purpose, topics, and connection with the conference
  • Estimated duration (half day, 1 day)
  • Format: How will the workshop sessions be scheduled?
  • History of the workshop (when applicable)
  • Desired form of proceedings (own proceedings, general CBI workshop proceedings with CBI, etc.)
  • Desire to receive redirected papers from the main conference
Workshop proposals should be submitted to Sybren de Kinderen <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> and Marek Suchánek <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>.


Workshop Chairs:
  • Sybren de Kinderen, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • Marek Suchánek, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia
General Chair:
  • Petra Pavlíčková, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia